Legalisation of Zambian documents
Legalisation is the process by which a diplomatic or consular mission abroad certifies the
authenticity of a document issued by its host country. This enables the authorities in that
mission's own country to accept these foreign documents as legal evidence. In other words,
a Zambian public document legalized by the German Embassy in Zambia can be treated
as evidence by the German authorities. Whether or not legalisation is required is at the
discretion of the German authority - they may be able to accept a Zambian document
without legalization.
Before submitting your documents for legalization, please confirm with the German
authority requesting the document whether legalization is actually required.
- Please note that only civil status certificates (e.g. birth, death and marriage certificates)
can be legalised. Other documents, such as court decrees or other certificates cannot
be accepted for legalisation.
Please note that for the legalisation of a marriage certificate, the “Form 10” has to be
submitted. - Documents have to be submitted as originals.
- Please ensure that all details on the Zambian public document you wish to legalise are
correct, including the spelling of names. Any errors must first be corrected by the
relevant Zambian authority. Incorrect, forged or otherwise fraudulent documents will
not be legalised! - Before the legalisation is done at the German Embassy, the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of the Republic of Zambia, Consular and Protocol Division, Charter
House, Independence Avenue, Lusaka, Tel.: (+260-211) 25 26 66 must pre-certify
the document. - There is no formal application form for legalisation, but you should explain why you
need it and which German authority has requested it. Many German authorities will
request this in writing or provide a checklist for certain procedures, such as registering
a marriage. If you are unable to appear in person at the German Embassy, you may authorise a
relative or friend in writing to act on your behalf. In this case, a copy of your passport
or other identity card must be enclosed.For legalisation of a Zambian document, please make an appointment online.
The fee for legalisation is the Kwacha equivalent of 29,69 - Euro. The fee is payable in
Zambian Kwacha in cash at the Embassy's current exchange rate or in Euros by